A bodygraph is a graphical representation of someone's design or blueprint as some call it. The methodology used to get that information comes from the Human Design System. And that's a combination out of 4 ancient wisdom sources:
The I Tjing from China, the Jewish Chaballa, the Chakra system from India, and the 4th element is Astrology.
The manual for your vehicle: your body
Decisionmaking, use of your energy, your style of dealing with information, other people, challenges etc. Your body has it's optimal unique way defined in itself, Human Design can give you insight in that manual of your vehicle. Click the link below to get more information. Basic level is free! Make an account and get your free bodygraph and explaination.
We all get conditioned in our behavior during growing up, our parents, teachers and family members do that.
In your bodygraph is also the knowledge where that conditioning might have affected your life. Not living your design and own way in more or less degree can be a burden and lead to unhappiness and small or bigger illnesses. To have the insights where that might be the case can be such a eyeopener! The Open Centers in your bodygraph are the area's where conditioning occurs most.
A helpfull and informative app to start is 'Human design App' Free for Android phones. In the app is a lot of information just by tapping on a center or symbol in the bodygraph.
Your qualities
In your defined centers and activated channels lay a wealth of information on your qualities and skills. Within the defined centers lays your core operating style. The bodygraph is also showing black and red channels, the red channels are subconscious and harder or not to see for ourselfs. The black channels represent our conscious personality traits and skills. Click the link below to visit the site of the original founder Ra Uru Hu. He passed away but the site is ongoing. There's a lot of free articles and a rather expensive shop.